Getting Started

Why WordPress?

WordPress is the world's most popular website builder.

43% of the web is built on WordPress. More bloggers, small businesses, and Fortune 500 companies use WordPress than all other options combined.

2Shapes also integrates with WooCommerce out-of-the-box. WooCommerce is a flexible, open-source eCommerce platform. Build on WordPress.


  1. Install WordPress 5.8 or higher

  2. Install WooCommerce 6.1.1 or higher

  3. Set Permalink Settings to Post Name. Under Settings > Permalink, set to Post name and click the Save button.

How to install 2Shapes for WordPress

Installing 2Shapes for WordPress is very easy, as simple as downloading and installing it. Download the latest plugin from 2Shapes App > Applications

  1. Under the Plugins section, click on the Upload Plugin button.

2. Select the downloaded file, and click on Install Now button. Then, activate the plugin click on the Activate Plugin button.

2Shapes for Rhino is installed in your WordPress, let's discover the options available.

Last updated